[Spring academy] Artificial intelligence and international law

  • 22 – 26 April 2024
  • Starts at: 09:00h
  • Fee: €1395 (Regular fee), €850 (Student fee), €1250 (Reduced fee for groups)
  • Venue: Asser Institute
  • Organiser: Asser Institute
The spring academy on artificial intelligence and international law is an innovative one-week training programme, launched in 2019. The programme will provide you with insights into the current and future issues raised by AI technologies from the perspective of international law and related disciplines. Register now for the next edition, which will take place in the week of 22–26 April 2024. Seats are limited.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in almost all sectors of our society. From public sector applications in security, healthcare, welfare, or justice, to everyday uses for commercial targeting, transportation or household appliances; AI innovation is advancing at a very fast pace. AI brings many promises but also innumerable complex challenges.

In particular, AI technologies are challenging to fundamental legal norms and systems of international governance. How can we ensure that AI is developed and adopted in a way that respects and promotes individual rights? Why should we maintain human agency over AI technologies, and how will achieve this? How should we address the use of AI in warfare? How can we allocate responsibility for harms resulting from the use of AI? Are existing legal norms and foundational concepts able to grasp and address the complexities of AI? How can we develop and implement international frameworks for the governance of AI? These are some of the questions that will be discussed at the 2024 Spring Academy on Artificial Intelligence and International Law

Programme description
The spring academy offers in-depth knowledge and perspectives on AI and international law. It addresses fundamental issues at the intersection of theory and practice, and provides a platform to engage with the diverging perspectives in the key emerging debates. The programme is structured around five themes: understanding AI, AI and human rights, AI in warfare, current challenges, and international governance of AI.

The programme’s sessions are delivered by experts in the field, both from academia and from practice. The programme is updated each year to feature latest developments and new research in the field.

Download the latest version of the programme

Confirmed Speakers

  • Dr Bérénice Boutin (Asser Institute)
  • Dr Filippo Santoni de Sio (TU Delft)
  • Dr Tomasz Zurek (University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr Tamás Molnár (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights)
  • Dr Jonathan Kwik (Asser Institute)
  • Taylor Woodcock (Asser Institute)
  • Dr Giovanni Sileno (University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr Alberto Quintavalla (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Dr Marta Bo (Asser Institute)
  • Ioana Puscas (UNIDIR)
  • Dr Henning Lahmann (Leiden University)
  • Zoltan Turbek (Permanent Mission of Hungary to the UN)
  • Dr Erman Acar (University of Amsterdam) 
  • Dr Daragh Murray (Queen Mary School of Law)

Target audience

  • Researchers and advanced students (master or PhD) in the fields of international law, political science, philosophy, or computer science
  • Policy analysts and legal advisers working on innovation and technology in public or private institutions
  • Industry professionals interested in the law and governance of AI

Registration & fees
To register for this programme, click on the ‘register’ button at the top of the page and fill out the form. The regular fee is €1395. The reduced student fee of €850 applies to PhD candidates and Master students currently enrolled in a university programme (justification required). A reduced fee of €1250 per person has been made available for groups of three or more participants working for the same company or organisation.

The registration fee covers lectures, study materials, side activities, coffee breaks, and lunch during the Spring Academy. The fee does not cover any travel costs, accommodation in The Hague, insurance, or other expenses.

After successful completion of the programme, you will receive a professional certificate from the Asser Institute.

If you have any questions about the training programme, please send us an email at educationtraining@asser.nl. We will try to respond within two business days. Please read the terms and conditions before registering.

This spring academy is coordinated by Bérénice Boutin and Jonathan Kwik

Dr Bérénice Boutin is senior researcher in international law at the Asser Institute, Coordinator of the research strand on Disruptive Technologies in Peace and Security, and project leader of the NWO-funded  project Designing International Law and Ethics into Military Artificial Intelligence (DILEMA). Her research explores the mutual impacts between new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and international law. This includes the role of international law in the governance and regulation of technologies, and the impact of new technologies on core notions and concepts of international law.

Dr Jonathan Kwik is a researcher in international law at the Asser Institute attached to the ELSA Lab Defence project. His specialisation is in the laws governing the conduct of hostilities and artificial intelligence (AI). He obtained his doctorate (cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam on the lawful use of AI-embedded weapons at the operational level, under Profs. Tom van Engers, Terry Gill and Harmen van der Wilt. He holds a Master of Laws degree (cum laude) from the University of Groningen in international criminal law and criminology, and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Groningen in international law.

source : https://www.asser.nl/education-events/events/?id=4323

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